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How to Breastfeed Correctly? Tips for New Moms

Mar 1, 2023 Ultrassist

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural ways to feed your baby. However, it can be challenging for new moms to get the hang of it. Here are some tips to help you breastfeed correctly and with confidence.

How to Breastfeed Correctly?

1. Get comfortable

Find a comfortable and quiet spot to nurse your baby. Use a nursing pillow to support your baby and help you maintain a good posture.

2. Position your baby

Hold your baby close to your breast, with their nose level with your nipple. Make sure your baby's head and body are aligned and facing your breast.

3. Proper latch

Wait for your baby to open their mouth wide, then bring them quickly to your breast, with their chin first. Make sure their lips are flanged out and cover a large portion of the areola.

4. Monitor the feeding

Make sure your baby is taking in enough milk. Watch for signs of swallowing, listen for a rhythmic sucking pattern, and keep an eye on your baby's diaper output.


How Do You Know if You're Breastfeeding Correctly?

If you're breastfeeding correctly, your baby should be able to latch on and suckle without causing any pain. You may feel a tugging or pulling sensation, but it should not be painful. Your baby should be swallowing regularly and feeding for around 10-20 minutes on each breast.

Breastfeeding: How to Latch Correctly?

A good latch is crucial for successful breastfeeding. Here are the steps to achieve a proper latch.

Step 1: Hold your baby close

Hold your baby close to your breast, with their nose level with your nipple.

Step 2: Wait for a wide-open mouth

Wait for your baby to open their mouth wide, then bring them quickly to your breast, with their chin first.

Step 3: Position your baby

Make sure your baby's lips are flanged out and cover a large portion of the areola. Their mouth should be wide open, and their tongue should be extended over the bottom gum.

Step 4: Check for comfort

Make sure that you feel comfortable while breastfeeding. If you feel any pain, break the latch and try again.


Tips for First-Time Breastfeeding

Tip 1: Be patient

Breastfeeding takes practice and patience. Give yourself and your baby time to get the hang of it.

Tip 2: Ask for help

Don't be afraid to ask for help from a lactation consultant, nurse, or another healthcare provider.

Tip 3: Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy, balanced diet to ensure you produce enough milk.

Tip 4: Rest

Rest when you can, and try to avoid stress, as it can affect milk production.


Advice on Expressing Milk

Expressing milk can be helpful for moms who need to be away from their babies or have trouble breastfeeding. Here are some tips on expressing milk.

Tip 1: Find the right pump

Choose a pump that's comfortable, efficient, and easy to use.

Tip 2: Pump Regularly

To maintain your milk supply, pump regularly, ideally at the same time every day.

Tip 3: Store milk properly

Store milk in clean, sterilized containers in the refrigerator or freezer.

Tip 4: Label and date milk

Label and date your milk to ensure freshness and safety.

If it is your first time trying to express milk without any confidence, taking a silicone breast model to learn the breast massage technique is a good choice. Lactation consultants and nurses love it best. They usually use it to teach new moms how to massage breasts with hands, fingertips, or knuckles and express milk in breastfeeding courses.

About how to express milk with hands, please follow the 4 steps to hand express.

In general, breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to feed your baby. With a little patience, practice, and support, you can breastfeed successfully and with confidence.


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