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Wearable Open Fracture Wound Packing Trainer, Type Ⅱ, ⅢA, ⅢB, ⅢC

$189.99 USD

Open fractures are critical injuries requiring specialized skills in wound debridement and fracture stabilization to prevent infection and ensure proper healing. This wearable open fracture model set, based on the internationally recognized Gustilo-Anderson classification, offers essential practice for healthcare and trauma professionals, allowing them to gain confidence in handling various open fracture types. Training with these realistic models enhances preparedness for real-life emergencies, improving response times and patient outcomes in high-stakes scenarios.


  • Realistic Open Fracture Simulation: Each open fracture wound model accurately represents Type II, IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC open fracture wounds per the Gustilo-Anderson classification, providing lifelike first training scenarios.
  • Wearable Design: Easily worn on the hand, allowing instructors and students to practice realistic fracture wound management, debridement, and fixation in situ.
  • Versatile Use: Ideal for PHEC courses, and medical and trauma training, including nursing, emergency response, and military personnel, providing essential practice for open fracture handling in various scenarios.
  • High-Quality, Durable Materials: Crafted from durable, skin-safe silicone to withstand repeated use in training sessions, ensuring longevity and reliability.
  • Portable Training Aid: Lightweight and compact, making it convenient for use in classrooms, simulation labs, and field settings.

Wearable Open Fracture Wound Packing Trainer Kit Includes:

  • 4 Types of Open Fracture Wound Models
  • Splint x1
  • 100ML Syringe x1
  • Gauze x3


  • Size: 23*16*3cm
  • Material: Silicone
  • Net Weight: 290g/pc

Note: Discount is available for bulk orders. Leave your message online or reach us at email

Wearable Open Fracture Wound Packing Trainer, Type Ⅱ, ⅢA, ⅢB, ⅢC Wearable Open Fracture Wound Packing Trainer, Type Ⅱ, ⅢA, ⅢB, ⅢC Wearable Open Fracture Wound Packing Trainer, Type Ⅱ, ⅢA, ⅢB, ⅢC Wearable Open Fracture Wound Packing Trainer, Type Ⅱ, ⅢA, ⅢB, ⅢC Wearable Open Fracture Wound Packing Trainer, Type Ⅱ, ⅢA, ⅢB, ⅢC Wearable Open Fracture Wound Packing Trainer, Type Ⅱ, ⅢA, ⅢB, ⅢC

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