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Speech Therapy: Causes, Types, Purpose, Tools

Sep 1, 2022 Ultrassist

Why need speech therapy?

People who have problems related to the below will need speech therapy.

  • Speech (e.g., articulation)
  • Fluency (e.g., stuttering, and cluttering)
  • Language (e.g., ability; comprehension of spoken and written language)
  • Voice (e.g., characteristics of vocal tone)
  • Cognition (e.g., attention, memory, ability to solve problems)
  • Swallowing (e.g., stroke, congenital disorders)

The causes of speech therapy for pediatrics:

Learning disabilities (dyslexia), speech delay, pronunciation problems, autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, intellectual disability, hearing difficulties, stuttering, cerebral palsy, craniofacial abnormalities (such as cleft lip and palate), etc.

The causes of speech therapy for adults:

  • Damaged vocal cords, calluses
  • Dysphagia, neurological language disorder, abnormal voice, and other disorders caused by stroke and cognitive impairment
  • Patients who have undergone total laryngectomy
  • People in need of voice therapy or voice conversion therapy

Different types of speech therapy can treat various disorders affecting speech, hearing, and swallowing. Children and adults with these problems may benefit from working with a speech therapist who will perform assessments to determine which type(s) of speech therapy is right for them.

Common Speech Therapy Types:

  • Aphasia Speech Therapy
  • Apraxia Speech Therapy
  • Stuttering Therapy
  • Speech Delay Therapy
  • Stroke Speech Therapy
  • Cleft Palate Speech Therapy
  • Speech Therapy for Swallowing Difficulty


What is the purpose of a speech and language therapist?

A speech therapist will evaluate, diagnose, and treat speech issues and communication problems, as well as swallowing disorders. Help children and adults recover normal speech and language abilities with scientific speech therapy. Provide various services, from teaching articulation and clear speaking to helping strengthen muscles used to talk and swallow.

What can help the speech pathologist?

Frequently used tools for speech-language pathologists:

1. Adaptive Communication Switches: Infrared Switches, Jellybean Switches, Sound Switches, Touch Switches

2. Sound Measuring Apparatus / Decibel Meter: an Electroglottograph (EGG), Laryngograph

3. Stroboscopes: Diagnostic stroboscopes, video stroboscopes

4. Tablet Computer: There are a whole host of apps out there specifically designed for speech-language pathologists. The iPad is one especially light speech-language therapy tool for the travel SLP to have on hand.

5. Voice Synthesizer: augmentative communication devices, therapeutic voice synthesizers

6. Analytical Software: language analysis software, signal analysis software, speech analysis software

7. Medical Software:

  • Aphasia treatment – Aphasia Tutor by Bungalow Software
  • Multi-Speech – KayPENTAX
  • Speech training system – Video Voice
  • Text to speech – Universal Reader by Premiere Assistive Technology

8. Office Software: Email Application, Word Processing, Spreadsheet


Besides the above, there are other most-used items in speech therapy. Looks fun and are used as an excellent conversation starter. Becomes the one item in the dentist kit. That are the big mouth model and the mouth hand puppet. Comes with a removal tongue, which is preferred more.

mini mouth finger puppet Green Hand Mouth Puppet with Tongue

large mouth oral motor hand puppet

big mouth model for language therapy Mouth Model White Hinge for Speech Therapy
  • Features a lighter-colored tongue and brighter pink gums
  • Smooth and quiet. Open and close smoothly, and no annoying creaking sound when opened or closed.
  • The teeth are spaced apart, so you can teach children how to floss with it.
  • A complete and flexible mouth helps speech therapy more, clearly showing how the tongue moves while speech.
  • Last but not least, it is also convenient for speech therapy at home, or teaching English and Chinese phonetics at school.

Ultrassist Speech Therapy Mouth Hand Puppets


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