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Ultrassist Male Catheterization Simulator Practice Kit Male Catheterization Simulator - Transparent Design for Realistic Practice Realistic Male Catheterization Practice with Ultrassist Urethral Catheterization Model Ultrassist Male Catheterization Trainer Hands-on Learning with Ultrassist Catheterization Simulator Hands-on Medical Simulation with Ultrassist Male Catheterization Simulator Transparent Male Catheterization Simulator for Medical Training

Male Catheterization Simulator User Mannual

What should do before practice?

Before practice, install male catheterization trainer and apply some vaseline between simulated foreskin and the penis.

Step 1: Retract the foreskin and clean around the urethral meatus.

Step 2: Rub the catheter with vaseline.

Make sure not too much vaseline to block the catheter.

Step 3: Progressively advance and insert the catheter into the urethra.

Step 4: Inflate the balloon, and gently pull on the catheter until resistance is felt.

Step 5: Attach the catheter bag.

Set Up Male Catheterization Simulator

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